[Nagiosplug-help] Webinject - Help Please

Sixhammers sixhammers at gmail.com
Fri Mar 31 10:36:06 CEST 2006


I apologize for the briefness of this inquiry, but as often happens in the
networking world, some one else's lack of planning has become my emergency.
 I am working with Web inject and although all appears to be configured
correctly, Nagios indicates that the plug in is providing no feed back. I
have followed the instruction on the webinject home page but still come up
with the same error using their suggested configuration , or even
simplifying things to use no variables. My config files are bellow, any Help
that can be offered would be greatly appreciated. Please keep in mind that
my issue is not with Webinject itself, but with getting the input back in to

P.S. This is Nagios Version 1.2


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<useragent>WebInject Application Tester</useragent>




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define command {

        command_name    webinject

        command_line     /usr/local/webinject/webinject.pl -c config.xml



define command {

        command_name    webinject

        command_line     /usr/local/webinject/webinject.pl -c $ARG1$ $ARG2$



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define service {

    use                      generic-service

    host_name                i32

    service_description      WebInject check 4.0 Application

    is_volatile              0

    check_period             24x7

    max_check_attempts       3

    normal_check_interval    4

    retry_check_interval     2

    contact_groups           test

    notification_interval    20

    notification_period      24x7

    notification_options     w,u,c,r

    check_command            webinject


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