[Nagiosplug-help] check_icmp reporting 100% pkt loss when host is "pingeable"

Alejandro Mejía Evertsz amejia at carmeltelecom.com
Mon Mar 27 07:12:04 CEST 2006

Hello everyone.


I wrote this message to the nagios-users list, but had no reply. Maybe
here’s the right place to post my problem.


I was having problems with “segmentation fault” using check_ping command,
and I found some info on this list regarding that and suggesting to use
check_icmp instead.

Check_icmp is great
 it’s faster, and don’t consume much resources, but I’m
having this problem:


It works fine for some hours, but suddenly all hosts are reported as “DOWN”
with packet loss of 100%

I get the net interface down with ifconfig, and then back up again, and
nothing. I have to restart the server and then it works fine again.

The hosts I’m monitoring are up, and if I use a normal “ping” command to
reach them, I get reply.

Also if I use “check_ping” from shell, I get PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA
= 109.81 ms


If I issue a “check_icmp” from shell I get this:


setsockopt failed

Setting alarm timeout to 10 seconds

packets: 5, targets: 1

target_interval: 0.000, pkt_interval 80.000

crit.rta: 500.000

max_completion_time: 3400.000

crit = {500000, 80%}, warn = {200000, 40%}

pkt_interval: 80000  target_interval: 0  retry_interval: 0

icmp_pkt_size: 64  timeout: 10

handle_random_icmp(0x804ce74, 0xbfbfeb70)

handle_random_icmp(0x804ce74, 0xbfbfeb70)

handle_random_icmp(0x804ce74, 0xbfbfeb70)

handle_random_icmp(0x804ce74, 0xbfbfeb70)

time_passed: 437412  final_wait: 2962588  max_completion_time: 3400000

Waiting for 2962588 micro-seconds (2962.588 msecs)

handle_random_icmp(0x804ce74, 0xbfbfeb70)

handle_random_icmp(0x804ce74, 0xbfbfeb70)

handle_random_icmp(0x804ce74, 0xbfbfeb70)

handle_random_icmp(0x804ce74, 0xbfbfeb70)

icmp_sent: 5  icmp_recv: 0  icmp_lost: 0

targets: 1  targets_alive: 1

CRITICAL - rta nan, lost 100%|

rta=0.000ms;200.000;500.000;0; pl=100%;40;80;;

targets: 1, targets_alive: 0


Has anyone experienced the same problem. Any ideas suggestions ?


If it helps:

I’m using FreeBSD 6.0 Stable and installed nagios from ports.


Thanks in advance for your help.


Alejandro Mejía Evertsz


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