[Nagiosplug-help] plugin client side howto

jeff vier boinger at tradingtechnologies.com
Fri Jun 2 23:02:41 CEST 2006

> On 5/31/06, Winn Johnston <winn_johnston at yahoo.com> wrote:
>         hello,
>         i am looking for some doumentation on setting up 
>         nrpe.cfg, and the check configs. I found a plugin that
>         monitors database replication. it is a perl script
>         called chec_replication.pl. Seems to work very well,
>         infact when i run it from the command line i get the 
>         desired output, however, i can't seem to figure out
>         how to get the nagios webpage to show the output of
>         the script. i know i am missing something.

Not positive what you mean, but here goes:

Best guess is that the script is outputting multiple lines (Nagios only allows one).

Also, Nagios has a very explicit exitcode structure.  Keep that in mind.

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