[Nagiosplug-help] check_ntp problems on Solaris

Alex Moore asmoore at edge.net
Sun Jan 8 14:09:19 CET 2006

On Solaris, I use ntpq and have multiple candidates.  The stock plugin
does not work properly for me.  It may work if the matched
candidate is always the last selected candidate.

I get the following output. In addition to the 'argument not parsed'
error, which fails nagios 2.0rc, offset has no value.  Also, ntpq
offset output is in milliseconds and not seconds.

Argument "(not parsed)" isn't numeric in abs
at /opt/csw/libexec/nagios-plugins/check_ntp line 401. 
NTP OK: Offset 0.000000 secs, jitter (not parsed) msec, peer is stratum
2|offset=0.000000, jitter=0,peer_stratum=2

If anyone else has the same problem, I attached a patch that fixes
this for me.

Here is the new output:
/opt/csw/libexec/nagios-plugins/check_ntp -H localhost 
NTP OK: Offset 0.000548 secs, jitter 1.42 msec, peer is
stratum 2|offset=0.000548, jitter=0.00142,peer_stratum=2


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