[Nagiosplug-help] check_snmp_win.pl problem (No Output!)

Michael Frank mfrank at dps.state.vt.us
Thu Aug 24 18:35:07 CEST 2006

Hello all,


I am trying get check_snmp_win.pl to work. I am able to run the exact
command that Nagios is running without any problems and I get output,
but when I run the check though Nagios it says "No output!" I am able to
run other checks without any problems. 


I see at http://www.manubulon.com/nagios/faq.html#FAQ8 that there is a
problem with the embedded perl in Nagios so I make sure that I ran the
script using another version of perl. I am unable to find the p1.pl file
it is talking about patching. 


# 'check_win_proc_snmp'

define command{

        command_name    check_win_proc_snmp

        command_line    /opt/ActivePerl-5.8/bin/perl
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_snmp_win.pl -H HOST -C COMMUNITY -p PORT



I have also tried using /usr/local/bin/perl and there has been no
change. I am able to run the check manually without any problems but
can't run it though Nagios.


Any help you can give will be great.





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