[Nagiosplug-help] check_cpq_pwr

Hans Engelen engelenh at gmail.com
Wed Apr 12 06:09:15 CEST 2006

You need the HP Insight manager too. It's a series of deamons that run on
your linux box.

They provide the necessary interface to these compaq specific counters.

Most certainly you will need the hpasm component but you might want others
too so here a page to the support paq containing a whole slew of HP related
linux software (in this case RHEL4)


By the way don't set too much store on the list of servers and platforms
supported. I am running it on an _OLD_ Compaq 6500 machine and it works for
the most part on that machine too.


On 4/11/06, seth beyer <ducksocc15 at suscom.net> wrote:
> Hi list
> I have downloaded the compaq check plugins that work with Insight
> manager.  I have net-snmp installed without any problems but the
> check plugins aren't working.  I get the error "Unkown Object Identifier
> (Sub-id not found: enterprises -> compaq)
> any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Seth
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