[Nagiosplug-help] check_http and HTTP 1.1

lars.bruun-hansen at nordea.com lars.bruun-hansen at nordea.com
Tue Apr 11 01:18:02 CEST 2006

I have a problem with check_http and a web server which is HTTP 1.1.

Currently the check_http reads responses from the web server until it
meets the end-of-file marker (read function returns 0). As far as I
understand sockets programming you will only ever encounter the
end-of-file marker on a socket if the other party closes the socket.

The web server I'm testing against (an embedded thing inside an an app,
not really a full blown web server) seems keep the socket open which
again means that check_http never sees the end-of-file marker and
eventually times out instead.

I'm not really a sockets nor a HTTP expert but it seems to me that
check_http cannot make the assumption that it can simply read from
socket until end-of-file, at least not for HTTP 1.1 which have lots of
reasons to keep the socket open.

Any sockets or HTTP experts out there?


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