[Nagiosplug-help] check_http and bad request

jari.soininen at arenapartners.fi jari.soininen at arenapartners.fi
Thu Sep 1 08:58:04 CEST 2005

I'm newbie with nagios. Trying to set up check_http for url like this:


Checked two possibilites shown below but always the result is same:

Current Status: 
Status Information:     HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

candidate 1:


candidate 2:

       check_command                   check_http!-H www3.ilkka.fi -u 
/servlet/page?_pageid=5347%26_dad=portal30%26_schema=PORTAL30 -s Mielipide

This works fine from command line!

# ./check_http -H www3.ilkka.fi -u 
/servlet/page?_pageid=5347%26_dad=portal30%26_schema=PORTAL30 -s Mielipide
HTTP OK HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 0.044 second response time 
|time=0.044249s;;;0.000000 size=42492B;;;0

as well this works fine:
# ./check_http -H www3.ilkka.fi -u 
/servlet/page?_pageid=5347%26_dad=portal30%26_schema=PORTAL30 -s wrongword
CRITICAL - string not found|time=0.084240s;;;0.000000 size=42492B;;;0

Thanks for your help.

Jari Soininen, Development Manager
Arena Partners Oy, Microkatu 1, 
P.O.Box 1188, FIN-70211 KUOPIO, FINLAND
jari.soininen at arenapartners.fi
Mobile +358-50-5233 566
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