[Nagiosplug-help] encrypt nrpe trafic

Matt Wells chroot at wells.vg
Tue Oct 18 07:04:49 CEST 2005

Version 2 by default sets up encryption.  Sniff your traffic and you
should see garbage.  If not you can look at the README and it goes
into the switches when you make it and making sure that it's
enabled.  Also a control file is some place in there but I don't
remember where.  
----- Original Message -----
SUBJECT: [Nagiosplug-help] encrypt nrpe trafic
FROM:  lkk at interfree.it 
TO: nagiosplug-help at lists.sourceforge.net
DATE: 18-10-2005 3:30
I use nrpe v2.0 
I know that It's possible encrypt nrpe traffic over SSL but I don't
understand like making. 
What must I make? 

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