[Nagiosplug-help] check_swap

nuffers at tsainc.com nuffers at tsainc.com
Fri May 20 08:16:21 CEST 2005

At one time, check_disk's performance data was showing actual free versus 
showing actual used as it does now.  When you compare that to the 
check_swap, its currently using the free.  I'm using perfparse and this 
tends to make the swap graphs look funny.

Is it working as designed or do I need to download the latest Plugins?
See below for comparison

check_swap (nagios-plugins 1.4) 1.47

# check_disk -w10% -c5% -p / 
DISK OK - free space: / 650 MB (22%);| /=2290MB;2645;2792;0;2939

# check_swap -w10% -c5% 
SWAP OK: 86% free (8621 MB out of 10100 MB) |swap=8620MB;1010;505;0;10100

Steve Nuffer
Nagios 2.0b2
Fedora Core3
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