[Nagiosplug-help] check_udp question
Dan Stromberg
strombrg at dcs.nac.uci.edu
Thu Mar 31 08:51:27 CEST 2005
Machines that -send- syslog shouldn't have an active syslog port, but I
believe this is more true on modern linuxes than other *ix systems -
many will listen on the syslog port by default, even though they do not
need to be able to receive syslog data.
However, on a syslog server, there should always be a port you could
network-stats-collector-3-root> nmap -sU nsc-1.nacs -p 514
Starting nmap V. 3.00 ( www.insecure.org/nmap/ )
Interesting ports on network-stats-collector-1.nacs.uci.edu
Port State Service
514/udp open syslog
Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2 seconds
Thu Mar 31 08:46:43
On Thu, 2005-03-31 at 17:43 +0200, Andreas Ericsson wrote:
> Steve Belt <rgpg70> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am fairly new to nagios and have a question about the check_udp
> > plugin. I am attempting to use the plugin to monitor the syslogd
> > process on several machines. I am using the following format:
> >
> > check_udp -H xx.xx.xx.xx -p 514
> > (syslogd listed as 514/udp in /etc/services)
> >
> > However, whenever I run the command I always get the following results:
> >
> > No data was recieved from host!
> > No response from host on port 514
> >
> Syslog is a passive service using datagrams to handle its oneway
> communication. Checking it over the network won't work; you'll need to
> use nrpe or ssh to check and see that the process is running.
> > The syslogd process is running on the machine. If I kill syslogd, the
> > command returns:
> >
> > No response from host on port 514
> >
> > which is expected.
> Next time, finish your mail here...
> > Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions as to why
> > this is occurring and how to fix/workaround it?
> >
> ... since this question right above is fairly implicit by your problem.
> > Thanks,
> >
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