[Nagiosplug-help] check_traffic
Harper Mann
hmann at itgroundwork.com
Fri Dec 16 10:00:04 CET 2005
Did you run from the command line as user "nagios" which is what
nagios typically runs as? You may have issues with the environment.
- Harper
Harper Mann
Groundwork Open Source Solutions
510-599-2075 (cell)
Justin Nelson wrote:
Hi list
I am new to linux and programming and have just recently got Nagios
installed on a machine running Suse 10. I have a couple of test
hosts being monitored successfully (SMTP, check_ping, check_load,
and check_disk) and have started playing with the check_traffic
plugin. I have followed all of the instructions that were included.
When I look in Nagios, it returns critical with 'Status Information'
showing "(No Output!)". I can run the check_traffic plugin from
the command line and it returns values properly and appears to
write to the RRD database.
Any thoughts as to why Nagios shows No Output?
Thanks is advance.
- Justin Nelson (jnelson)
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