[Nagiosplug-help] Nagios 3.0,natively windows codes,support mysql,support agentless monitor , new web interface,more,Greatly
wen wu
wesley4248 at yahoo.com.cn
Tue Aug 16 17:48:49 CEST 2005
- Previous message: [Nagiosplug-help] Nagios 3.0,natively windows codes,support mysql,support agentless monitor , new web interface,more,Greatly
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1 /System architecture has been greatly redesigned and optimized. It is devide into two parts ,one is sakershceduler ,the other is sakerexecutor.Sakerschduler only schedules events in parallel; Sakerexecutor executes really host checkes,service checks,handler events etc.Sakerschduler and Sakerexecutor are both multithreading.
2 /Sakerschduler supports mysql database,so performance is promoted greatly.
3 /Sakerexecutor adopt the cluster structure ,you can deploy many Sakerexecutor on different hosts.all of the Sakerexecutors can work as a big one. so the point that the system can be monitored does not have upper limit.
4 /Built-in the agentless monitor for windows and unix host in the new version.the flexibility is improved greatly.In the new edition , five kinds of important function module have been put in Sake:WMI Check module,SSH Check module,Win32_Push_Any module , Unix_Push_Any module ,External command module.
WMI Check module, can utilize WMI technology to check the CPU load,memory ,file update time, hard disk, process state, service state, Eventlog ,etc of the remote host. The remote host does not need to install the agent end .The module supports WinNT , WinXP , Win2000, Win2003.
SSH Check module, can utilize Rlogin , Rexec , SSh ,etc. check romote Unix host , including systematic load , Swap, hard disk, process , login users such information as one ,etc.. The romote Unix host does not need to install the agent end . Support Aix, Hp _ ux,Sco unix,Linux, such 17 kinds of Unix/linux operating systems etc..
Win32_Push_Any module , this module can copy the checking script of any win32s on remote win32 host and run it. you can copy any scripts to the remote host , the remote host does not need to install the agent end . Support WinNT , WinXP , Win2000, Win2003.
Unix_Push_Any module , this module can copy the checking script of any unix on remote unix host and run it. you can copy any scripts to the remote host , the remote host does not need to install the agent end . Support all Unix/linux systems.
External command module,can execute any checking scripts, compatible Saker V1. 2 and all former checking module.
5 /Saker is ported to windows system in an all-round way, Saker v3. 0 codes are all natively windows codes. Saker can operate it in Win2000 , Win2003 system.
6 /Web interface is redesigned,can finish all operation in web interface ,the usability and humanization are improved greatly.Redesigning the function of the network status map,you can define more Beautiful network maps .
Please visit http://www.sakersoft.org/news/saker3en.htm
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