[Nagiosplug-help] ./check_nrpe woes

Curt Shaffer cshaffer at gmail.com
Wed Aug 3 06:57:13 CEST 2005

I have been trying to get ./check_nrpe to work in the following scenario


Nagios server -> firewall with port 5666 open -> Windows host 1 running
nrpe_nt -> other Devices and Windows hosts


So far the Nagios talks to the Windows host 1 fine no problems, all scripts
work etc. But when I try to "proxy" the check I get :


CHECK_NRPE: Socket timeout after 10 seconds.


The command I am running is :


./check_nrpe -H (IP of Windows host 1 -c wmi_disk\!(IP of Windows Host


Now bear in mind that if I do the above with (IP of Windows host 1 in both
places this command works great so I really do not think it is a command
definition issue. The other part to know is if I run the script that this
calls on the Windows Host1 against Windows Host 2 Directly it works. The
breakdown seems to be in getting that information back to nagios. 


Any help would be appreciated. If you need any other information please ask.


Nagios version: 1.2 or 2.0b3 (happens on both)

Nagios Plugin version: 1.4

NRPE version: Version 2

NRPE_NT version: Version 1.0

*nix distro: Freebsd 5.4 or Slackware (happens on both)

Windows Versions: 2003 Server SP1 and XP Professional mostly.





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