[Nagiosplug-help] NSCLIENT - Monitoring a service with space character in its real name

Greg Vickers g.vickers at qut.edu.au
Wed Apr 6 18:14:48 CEST 2005

Luis, (replying to correct message now!)

I just did this the other day - the 'real' name is the name of the 
*directory* in that registry location. I wouldn't change the name of the 
directory, that would probably be A Bad Thing (tm).

I am monitoring a couple of services with spaces in their 'real' name, 
and it was the double quotes that worked for me. Check you are using the 
correct name and try the double quotes.

These checks are succeeding on Nagios 1.2 on Debian 3, monitoring W3K 


Luis Noronha wrote:

> Hi,
> We're having trouble using "check_nt" (NSCLIENT plug-in) to monitor 
> services that have a space character in its name (e.g. "Service ABC").
> I read the following 
> post   http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=8135478
> , and looking at the registry 
> (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services) one of the 
> services really didn't have a space in its real name, and it solved 
> the problem for this particular service :)
> Still, there is another service that has a space in its real name, 
> therefore it still doesn't work: check_nt_service can't monitor it. 
> (This is a commercial application and we can't modify its 
> code/installation...)
> Changing the service real name in the registry causes the service to 
> stop responding to stop/start commands.
> I also couldn't find any more posts on this subject in the archives :(
> I know this is an old issue, but can anyone provide further help on this?
> Is there a way around the problem or do we have to require real 
> service names with no spaces?
> PS: I also have a problem with a service with an hyphen '-' in its 
> real name...
> Best Regards,
> Luís Noronha

Greg Vickers
Computer Systems Officer
Teaching and Learning Support Services, Systems and Architecture
Queensland University of Technology

Phone: (07) 3864 8276
Mobile: 0416 001 674, SD #6 6147
Email: g.vickers at qut.edu.au

CRICOS No. 00213J

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