[Nagiosplug-help] check_nrpe!check_disk errors

Nathan Oyler noyler at khimetrics.com
Tue Nov 2 10:06:15 CET 2004

I'm having issues with check_nrpe and check_disk.


We are mostly a redhat 8 environment running nrpe 2.0. We mount nfs
shares on the majority of these boxes.


Occationally, some of the machines decide to give warning messages, one
in particular that started yesterday was


DISK WARNING [63076160 kB (97%) free on /dev/sda3] [80783 kB (84%) free
on /dev/sda1] [1290748 kB (100%) free on /dev/shm] [1 kB (100%) free on
dcdb3:/mnt/company/] [62362872 kB (25%) free on


The error shows 1 kb free on /mnt/company, which is what happens
everytime this occurs.


If I run the check locally on the box I get,  

DISK OK [63076108 kB (97%) free on /dev/sda3] [80783 kB (84%) free on

 [1290748 kB (100%) free on /dev/shm] [146942480 kB (35%) free on
dcdb3:/mnt/company/companya] [146942480 kB (35%) free on
dcdb3:/mnt/company/] [62362872 kB

(25%) free on vector2:/mnt/company/utils]


If I run the check manually using  "./check_nrpe -H nameofbox.dc -c


I get 

DISK WARNING [63076100 kB (97%) free on /dev/sda3] [80783 kB (84%) free
on /dev/

sda1] [1290748 kB (100%) free on /dev/shm] [62362872 kB (25%) free on



although that is after adding -x /mnt/company to the check command in an
attempt to correct it.


Could anyone assist in helping me remove these errors. They go away
after awhile on some machines, and others almost never go away. It's
always 1kb free 100% on a mount point that actually is huge with it

command[check_disk]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_disk -w 15% -c 5% -x


is the current listing for the check.


This happens on redhat advanced server 2.1, redhat 8


Hopefully I'm just missing something obvious, it would seem as though
even with 1 kb, 100% free it shouldn't give a warning, cause I'm using
percentages, so I'm real confused.




Nathan Oyler

Information Technology

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