[Nagiosplug-help] need help in using plugin

serwah sabet ghadam serwah_s_gh at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 12 23:50:01 CEST 2004

Thanks a lot for your complete guidance,
I checked them and now I have encountered another problem:
I have put NRPE daemon and its config file on the client
and compiled it there too.
Then I have defined a service in my nagios/etc/service.cfg
command          check_nrpe!check_users
and I wanted to rest it via my linux shel and I executed NRPE in background mode in the client:
./nrpe -c /etc/nrpe.cfg  -d &

and in the server I wrote:
 ./check_nrpe -H -p 5666 -c check_nrpe!check_users
the result is:
-bash: !check_users: event not found

and in the web interface the status information is:
Connection refused by host 

Have I missed anything???
Thabk you all.

Andreas Ericsson <ae at op5.se> wrote:
serwah sabet ghadam wrote:
> Hi, 
> I want to use nrpe to get, for example, the 
> result of check_users of a remote host,
> perhaps it be an elementary question
> but I'm confused!

check_nrpe requires that the daemon is installed and properly configured 
on the remote host.

Both the daemon and the plugin needs to use the same type of encryption 
(currently only ssl or none at all).

The plugin which you want to run must be present on the remote host.

The nagios server's IP must be mentioned in the allowed_hosts_ip in your 
nrpe configuration file.

> I've searched the mailing list but didn't find 
> my answer.
> I did upon the README file of the NRPE pacakge
> that I've downloaded:
> I sefined a command in checkcommand.cfg 
> define command{
> command_name check_nrpe
> aommand_line /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c $ARG1$
> } 
> and defined a service with
> check_command check_nrpe ! check_users

Remove the spaces.

> and I didn't work under inetd or xinetd.
> are these steps enaugh??
> I see nothing in the servce detail in the web interface.

You also have to restart Nagios. Do that and then tell me the output of 
the check_nrpe command (the status field in the GUI), and I might be 
able to help you further.

> I appreciate your help.
> Sirwah

Sourcerer / Andreas Ericsson
NRPE Maintainer
+46 (0)733 709032
andreas.ericsson at op5.se

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