[Nagiosplug-help] PB with NRPE: No output returned from plugin

carole verdon verdon at cict.fr
Tue Jun 8 03:00:07 CEST 2004


In web interface of nagios (v 1.2), i obtain a status UNKNOWN with this message: (No output returned from plugin)

If i execute the check_nrpe (v 2.0) in line command on server nagios, it works well:
$ ./check_nrpe_nossl -H telline.cict.fr -c check_oracle
all databases OK

check_oracle is defined in nrpe.cfg as:

the check_oracle_databases.sh is a script i wrote to take dynamically into account the file /etc/oratab to verify all databases 
that it contains. It calls the check_oracle scripts of core distribution of nagios-plugins-1.4.0alpha1 that i modified a little.

I use NagMin 2.1.0 to configure nagios. So i define a service called "Oracle" with the check command : check_nrpe_nossl!check_oracle <http://lerins.cict.fr:10000/nagmin/command.cgi/nagios/Service/check_nrpe_nossl> 

In service.cfg:
define service {
    use    generic-service
    host_name    telline.cict.fr
    service_description    Oracle
    contact_groups    nagios-admins
    check_period    24x7
    notification_interval    2880
    notification_options    w,u,c,r
    notification_period    24x7
    check_command    check_nrpe_nossl!check_oracle
    max_check_attempts    3
    normal_check_interval    10
    retry_check_interval    1

I don't understand why it works in line commands on nagios server and that it don't work if i define this service in nagios. 

Can you tell me where is the error? What am i doing? 

Please, help me....



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