[Nagiosplug-help] Linking MRTG to icons in Nagios
billy at DOH.STATE.NM.US
billy at DOH.STATE.NM.US
Wed Jan 14 13:59:02 CET 2004
Hi Michael,
Have done this, and it's easy. The links go in the host definition file on
the alias line, it accepts HTML. so...
(alias line should wrap and go on one line)
define host{
use critical-router
host_name main_router
alias Main Router: ATM-OC3: <br><a
Router Monitor</a>
parents main_switch
I would seriously consider changing to cricket
(http://cricket.sourceforge.net) from MRTG. It's much better.
I'm actually local to you, so give me a buzz if you want. My company
offers a wide variety of solutions for all your networking needs ;-)
William York, MS, MCP+I, MCSE (NT4 & W2K)
New Mexico Department of Health
Network Operations Center
Vice President - PODNet POD, Inc. http://www.podassoc.com
desk: 505.827.2420
office: 505.243.2287
Johnston Michael J Contr AFRL/DES <michael.johnston at kirtland.af.mil>
Sent by: nagiosplug-help-admin at lists.sourceforge.net
01/13/2004 04:53 PM
nagiosplug-help <nagiosplug-help at lists.sourceforge.net>
[Nagiosplug-help] Linking MRTG to icons in Nagios
I'm sorry to ask so my question here, I'm just so excited about getting
Nagios setup correctly.
Well, I was just wondering if those of you also using MRTG have linked the
html pages that MRTG makes to the icons in Nagios. I'm assuming that it
something to do with the hostexec.cfg file, but I'm not sure. Can anyone
display an example? Thanks again!
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