[Nagiosplug-help] Check_SNMP Failure

Pete Shelfo PShelfo at embrex.com
Mon Jan 5 05:41:11 CET 2004

I have configured a brand new install of Nagios 1.1 on Redhat Linux
Enterprise Edition 3.0.  Everything was working with one Cisco device and a
Windows 2003 server.  Once I added another Windows 2003 server all of a
sudden all my check_snmp services started bombing out and are coming back
yellow with this warning:


Status Problem: No date received from host.


I ran check_snmp from the command line and it still worked on the original
Windows 2003 server and then all of a sudden that died to.  The machines are
up and pingable and my another checks work just fine.  I use the latest of
NSClient with no issues.  My check_snmp is working fine on the Cisco device?
I added a third APC device and that worked for a little bit and then it


I had this same problem on another Redhat 8.0 system but I never resolved
it.  Any help is appreciated.   I am using the latest plugins and installed
the newest Net-Snmp.  I re-compiled Nagios and the plugins again but that
did not work.

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