[Nagiosplug-help] check_nt and a service with a $ in the name

Rob Maij rmaij at jbg.com
Tue Dec 28 08:14:03 CET 2004

I am having issues with the check_nt plugin.  I need to keep an eye on a
desktop SQL service, but the application that installed it called it
MSSQL$ECAS.  It is running on a Windows XP box.


Now this is my command:


define command {

        command_name    check_ecas

        command_line    $USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 1248 -s



Now when I run it directly from the command line (as shown above) it
functions correctly and retrieves the status, but when Nagios runs the
command it responds back with 


MSSQL$ECAS$: Unknown 


It comes back with an extra '$'.  I have tried putting an escape at the
end and also tried it in single quotes.  Neither worked.


Any ideas or help is greatly appreciated.



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