[Nagiosplug-help] Check_nt Diskusage

Russell Lusignan rlusignan at cygnal.ca
Thu Dec 16 12:18:08 CET 2004

Hi group, 

I am having some problems getting the check_nt disk usage script working
properly.  Regardless of what I put in for the critical and warning
values, I always get a warning.  I believe the command line is correct:

define service { 
  use                   standard 
  host_name             pvr 
  service_description   Disk Usage D 
  check_command         check_nt_disk!d!80!90 

I have also tried the following which results in the same warnings
regardless of what the values are: 

define service { 
  use                   standard 
  host_name             pvr 
  service_description   Disk Usage D 
  check_command         check_nt_disk!c!80%90% 

Any help would be appreciated, thanks! 


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