[Nagiosplug-help] check_snmp_int.pl on a cisco 6500

Rossella Mariotti-Jones rossella at chemeketa.edu
Tue Dec 7 12:34:01 CET 2004

Hello, I'm very new at this and I need some help with snmp check
commands if possible.

I'm trying to run the command to see if it works from my command line
like this:


[root at ccc-nagios plugins]# ./check_snmp_int.pl -H x.x.x.x -C password


And all I get is this:


Usage: ./check_snmp_int.pl [-v] -H <host> -C <snmp_community> | (-l
login -w passwd)  [-p <port>] -n <name in desc_oid> [-i] [-a] [-r]
[-f[e]] [-t <timeout>] [-V]


Can anybody help? Thanks a lot.


Rossella Mariotti-Jones

Network Analyst, CCNA

Chemeketa Community College / IT

T 503 589 7775

F 503 399 4898

E rossella at chemeketa.edu <mailto:rossella at chemeketa.edu> 



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