[Nagiosplug-help] check_megaraid not working

Anjan Dave adave at vantage.com
Mon Dec 6 08:06:08 CET 2004



I am trying to run the check_megaraid for monitoring the PERC RAID card
running megaraid. Running manually gives following:


# ./check_megaraid -H -C public

substr outside of string at ./check_megaraid line 241.

Use of uninitialized value in split at ./check_megaraid line 242.

Argument "endOfMibView" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at
./check_megaraid line 248.

Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
./check_megaraid line 255.

Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
./check_megaraid line 255.

substr outside of string at ./check_megaraid line 268.

Use of uninitialized value in split at ./check_megaraid line 269.

Argument "endOfMibView" isn't numeric in numeric eq (==) at
./check_megaraid line 275.

megaraid CRITICAL - log drv()

You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root

[root at vl-monitor-01 libexec]#



Is this something I have to correct specific to my setup?


I've followed the procedure here:




Appreciate any help!




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