[Nagiosplug-help] check_rrd plugins

Harper Mann hmann at itgroundwork.com
Fri Aug 27 11:04:29 CEST 2004

Hello all,

Here are several prototype plugins for checking RRD.  I'm cleaning them up
with help and the other aspects to comply with plugin standards, but they
work so please use them if they are helpful.  

I'm happy to respond to requests for help with them.


- Harper

Harper Mann
Groundwork Open Source Solutions
510-599-2075 (cell)

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Name: check_rrd_data.pl
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URL: <http://nagios-plugins.org/archive/help/attachments/20040827/b1044a1e/attachment.obj>
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Name: pat_match_rrd.pl
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Name: rap_rise_rrd.pl
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URL: <http://nagios-plugins.org/archive/help/attachments/20040827/b1044a1e/attachment-0003.obj>

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