[Nagiosplug-help] [Nagios-users] Script to check content of html pages?

Dale Hobbs dhobbs at chancery.com
Fri Aug 13 13:16:09 CEST 2004

I am looking for a script that will check the content of an html page.

Basically what I want is a plugin that will check the home page of a
website and notify me if there have been any modifications to the page.
Perhaps by verifying the current md5sum of the page against a known
md5sum stored in a file.


Anyone have any better ideas or perhaps if someone else has something
that will do a similar check?


Dale Hobbs 
End User Support 
Chancery Software -- The Right Partner. The Right Solution. 
Tel: 604-294-1233 Ext.4744 
Fax: 604-294-2225 
Email: dhobbs at chancery.com 
http://www.chancery.com <http://www.chancery.com/>  


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