[Nagiosplug-help] NSclient +Cluster

Karl.Yost at mptotalcare.com Karl.Yost at mptotalcare.com
Thu Sep 11 16:47:51 CEST 2003

Thanks for the response, but I am not using nagios-stat, just the nsclient
using the check_nt command.
I have found that I can use check_nt -H $HOSTNAME$ -v SERVICESTATE -p 1248
-l MSSQL\$CLUSTERNAME -d SHOWALL from the cmd line and get the desired
However, when I apply this to my checkcommands.cfg file it seems to add a $
on the end of the statement when it runs. Making the name MSSQL$CLUSTERNAME$

Any other ideas?

On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 10:24:18AM -0400, Karl.Yost at mptotalcare.com wrote:
> I am having problems using NSclient to check a service on Windows 2000
> SQL Cluster. 
> This is probably a simple, but the answer escapes me. 
> Microsoft uses a $ after the service name to designate the cluster name,
> the check command fails because of the $. How do I work around this or
> is there a better way to do this? 
> Examples would be appreciated. 

had the same problem.

update your nagios-stat from 



Végh Károly -  System Engineer - UTA - TIS.SAS.BSS
Don't worry. Everything is getting nicely out of control.
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