[Nagiosplug-help] Check_nrpe on AIX

d.deboni at edexter.it d.deboni at edexter.it
Tue Nov 18 02:58:03 CET 2003

Hi again,
        I have a problem with this plugin.

Now I've installed the nrpe daemon into the AIX machine (vers. 4.3).

When I try to run the check_nrpe plugin from my nagios server I get this 

        CHECK_NRPE: Error receiving data from daemon.

or otherwise:

        CHECK_NRPE: Response packet had invalid CRC32.

The daemon is running on the AIX machine and the port 5666 is in listening 

I really cannot figure it out :(

Any clue?

Thank you!

PS the check_nrpe plugin works perfectly when I attempt to check other 
machines with red hat 7.3 or greater

Davide De Boni

Email: d.deboni at edexter.it

e.Dexter S.P.A.
C.so Risorgimento 5
28823 Ghiffa (VB)
Tel +39.0323.407733
Fax +39.0323.53558
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