[Nagiosplug-help] Nagios plugins & checks listing

Matthew.Quinney at hollandandholland.com Matthew.Quinney at hollandandholland.com
Mon Mar 3 08:59:43 CET 2003

Hello All,

Like many Nagios sites we have developed many plugins to perform various 
functions, whether it be a whole new set of scripts or modifying exisiting 
ones to retrieve other information, such as different SNMP MIBS. Some have 
taken a few minutes to create, others more like days......

It has been mentioned before on this mailing list, but how would people 
feel about creating a list of applications/services/hosts which are being 
monitored by Nagios and contributing their code so that others may share 
and learn from it ? This way it may also persuade people to go with Nagios 
and see from the outset what it can do. I know that there is the Nagios 
Plugin SourceFourge but I am talking about at a far more detailed 
application level.

I cannot promise to organise it all, but I would be able to help.

Matthew Quinney
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