[Nagiosplug-help] Error in parsing command.cfg

Peter Peltonen peter.peltonen at iki.fi
Tue Jun 3 01:52:03 CEST 2003

Thank you for your reply,

On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 03:01, Subhendu Ghosh wrote:
> take a look at the format of check_commands.cfg  - if that was in the 
> template format, then nagios is expecting template format cfgs.

Yes, it was in different format than the rest of the Nagios files. Why
was it so? I thought that the template format is the default one now?

> you can use convertcfg to conver the command.cfg from the plugins into the 
> template format.
> convertcfg is a contrib program in the nagios source distribution.  I'm 
> not sure it is included in your rpm.

I found it. The command that did the trick was

  /usr/lib/nagios/convertcfg command.cfg commands >command.cfg

I encountered another problem with it, though:

Error: Command 'check_ifoperstatus' has already been defined

Error: Could not register command (config file
'/etc/nagios/command.cfg', line 352)

There was a duplicate entry for it. I uncommented it away. Same thing
with snmp_swap and snmp_mem.

notify-by-email, notify-by-epager, host-notify-by-email and
host-notify-by-epager were found also from misccommands.cfg from where I
uncommented them away (the plugins thingie is newer than Nagios 1.0,

After fixing those I got the beast finally running :)

Peter Peltonen <peter.peltonen at iki.fi>
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