[Nagiosplug-help] check_disk bOrked?

Russell Scibetti russell at quadrix.com
Thu Jan 23 07:22:09 CET 2003

Run check_disk in verbose mode (with the -v argument at the end of the 
command line) and see what it says.  I had a problem because the box I 
build the plugins on and the box I was running them on had different 
locations for df.

Russell Scibetti

Jan-Hendrik Palic wrote:

>Hi all ... 
>>>[nagios at cp1 plugins]$ ./check_disk -m /usr -p /usr -w 50 -c 10
>>>Disk "/usr" not mounted or nonexistant
>>>[nagios at cp1 plugins]$ 
>>>But mount sais:
>>>/dev/datavg/usr on /usr type ext3 (rw)
>>>Yes .. /usr is a ext3 FS on a LVM ...
>>what version of check_disk 
>>what is the output of df -Pk 
>nagios at cp1 nagios]$ df -Pk
>Filesystem         1024-blocks      Used Available Capacity Mounted on
>/dev/ida/c0d0p5        1007928     94084    862644      10% /
>/dev/ida/c0d0p1          98763      9629     84034      11% /boot
>none                    127552         0    127552       0% /dev/shm
>/dev/datavg/usr        1007896    343480    654176      35% /usr
>/dev/datavg/var        1007896    193568    804088      20% /var
>/dev/datavg/hsphere   13451024    286544  13164480       3% /hsphere
>Any hints?
>	Regards
>			Jan
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Russell Scibetti
Quadrix Solutions, Inc.
(732) 235-2335, ext. 7038

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