[Nagiosplug-help] NSClient help

Matthew.Quinney at hollandandholland.com Matthew.Quinney at hollandandholland.com
Mon Jan 13 06:14:02 CET 2003

Hello all,

I am having a problem with NSClient - maybe somebody else has experinced 
the same problem and can help ?

I am trying to query performance counters on a 2000 Server. Here is my 
command definition.....

define command{
        command_name    check_nt_perf_counter
        command_line    $USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 1248 -v 
COUNTER -l $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$

And here is my service definition....

define service{
        service_description             NT Paging File
        check_command                   check_nt_perf_counter!'"\\Paging 
File(_Total)\\%% Usage"'!50!80
        use                             service_template
        max_check_attempts              3
        check_period                    24x7
        normal_check_interval           5
        retry_check_interval            5
        notification_interval           360
        notification_period             WorkingHours
        notification_options            w,c,r
        contact_groups                  it_department
        name                            nt_memuse_service
        register                        1
        host_name                       NTBOX

(NB I use a quote and then a double quote above in my def to push the 
quotes through)

Nagios compiles and restarts, but the results of my checks always stay at 
0. I know that the syntax of the command I am using is fine because it 
executes and returns a proper variable when run manually. In addition when 
I change my command definition and echo it to a file to check the 
variables are okay - all is fine there too. 

Looking through the event viewer on the 2000 machine I see this error - '
NSClient Error: PDH.dll "\\Paging File(_Total)\\%% Usage" - ERROR: 

Has anybody else seen this error at all, its driving me wild !!!



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