[Nagiosplug-help] Writing Perl plugins for Nagios

Vroom, Tim tvroom at ci.grand-rapids.mi.us
Fri Jan 10 09:01:07 CET 2003

I'd like to write some custom Perl nagios plugins for monitoring some of the
systems I'm responsible for. Basically most of them boil down to sending an
LWP request to a webserver and making sure that the response that comes back
is what is expected.  What are the basic things that are required for a Perl
plugin to work correctly? Are there any gotchas I should look out for? Any
insight or examples would be most helpful. 

Basically I want to send a specific LWP request and get the response.

Either the request times out and I get nothing back

I get a correct response

Or I get an invalid response telling me a service isn't functioning as

What do I need to do to get this going?

Thanks in Advance,

Tim Vroom
GIS Internet Applications Developer
Northrop Grumman IT
tvroom at ci.grand-rapids.mi.us 

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