[Nagiosplug-help] Check_pop Plugin not found

Scott Lindars slindars at ampmed.com
Wed Feb 12 16:26:09 CET 2003

I am trying to use the check_pop plug-in.  I have
nagios-plugins-200211131100 running now, and have
nagios-plugins-1.3.0-beta2 availablke as needed.   When I try to use
this as a service Nagios reports "Return code of 127 is out of bounds -
plugin may be missing) "
Which makes sense because its not in my /usr/local/nagios/libexec dir.
So does anyone know where I can get this plug-in?   
Scott L Lindars
Navimedix, Inc.
IS Systems Engineer
slindars at navimedix.com
slindars at ampmed.com
V: (505) 982-6775 x30
C: (505) 695-0243 
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