[Nagiosplug-help] Nagios + RRD + TempTrax

Rodger Hanson rodger.hanson at manukau.ac.nz
Mon Apr 28 20:11:03 CEST 2003

Hello All
Has anyone go a script(s) to graph the TempTrax Ethernet version with 4
Probes using rrdtool.
I'm very interested in graphing the daily temperature in the server
room. I got the nagios plugin to work and get the reading in Celsius.
Thank You.
You can mail a reply to me: mailto:rodger at manukau.ac.nz?subject=Re:
<mailto:rodger at manukau.ac.nz?subject=Re:%20TempTrax%20and%20Nagios>
TempTrax and Nagios
Rodger Hanson
Manukau Institute of Technology
Ph: (09) 968-7659
Mobile: 029 968-7659
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