[Nagiosplug-help] check_mysql.pl

Warner, Randy rwarner at rightnow.com
Mon Apr 28 10:11:12 CEST 2003

I have this plugin running successfully from the command line, but
running through Nagios, the plugin returns a CRITICAL state.  I've
altered the plugin to accept a port argument.  Any help would be


Here is the code.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w


use strict;


use Getopt::Std;


use vars qw(%opts $host $port $temp);




unless ( ($opts{h}) ) { print "ERROR: no host given!\n";

exit 3;}


my $host = $opts{h};

my $port = $opts{p};


$temp = `mysqladmin -h $host -P $port -s -u user -p****** version | wc


if ($temp == 0) {

 print "CRITICAL -  no response from server!\n";

exit 2;



if ($temp > 0) {

 print "MYSQL OK: server responding on port $port\n";

 exit 0;


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