[Nagiosplug-help] CHECK_SNMP help and syntax

NOC at eiiecomm.com NOC at eiiecomm.com
Tue Apr 1 07:03:05 CEST 2003

Hi all,
I have quite a few snmp traps that I need to check on Nagios. If possible. 
 I am new to snmp traps and would appreciate any help with the following 

NIC Status:             Up, Down, errors

Linux Processes:        kernel, and other core processes like IKE, IPSEC, 

IDS:                    SNORT mib and associated traps

Memory  :               Memory usage and thresholds 

CPU:                    utilization and thresholds

Hardware:               Power Supply voltages
                        CPU Temp
                        Hard Drive S.M.A.R.T
                        Case removal

IPSEC:                  Tunnel status
                        Avg Latency
                        Traffic Load

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Mike Hall

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