[Nagiosplug-help] (no subject)

Rico Gloeckner rico at noris.net
Wed Sep 4 00:43:02 CEST 2002

On Tue, Sep 03, 2002 at 09:58:49PM -0400, Subhendu Ghosh wrote:
> If using check_snmp, to get a Critical for any value other than 6, you 
> need to specify it as a range "6:6"
> see the online help with -h

-h with check_snmp is completely confusing. Are there any Attempts to
document the nagiosplugs at large? For example, a good written HTML
Documentation or manpages (Besides Developer Guidelines)? If not, id be 
willing to spend time to write something together.

Also note, that if snmpwalk spits out MIB Errors (of any Type) that 
check_snmp will get confused and the Result will not be usable whatsoever.

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