[Nagiosplug-help] urlize - no data recieved from host

David Levine dlevine at seasontickets.com
Wed Oct 30 16:52:04 CET 2002

Hey All - 
I am running Nagios 1.0b6 on a RH Linux 7.3 host.
I am intermittently having problems with the URLIZE plugin.
I am seeing:
" 	/usr/local/nagios/libexec/urlize problem - No data recieved from
host  ".
However, if I ssh to the Nagios host and type the command at the prompt, it
works fine...
The relevant checkcommands.cfg and services.cfg sections are below:
# 'check_https' command definition
define command{
 command_name check_https
 command_line $USER1$/urlize $ARG1$ check_http -H $ARG2$ -I $HOSTADDRESS$ -u
$ARG3$ --ssl
# Service definition -- ######################
define service{
 use    ti-template
 host_name   jupiter
 service_description  ######################
If anyone has seen this before and has found a solution, I'd appreciate it!
I have looked over everything and it all seems to be correct...?!
Thanks -
David Levine
Systems Administrator
Ticket Innovations, Inc.
1555 Mittel Blvd. Suite J
Wood Dale, IL 60191
Voice: 630-477-8329
Fax: 630-787-9951
dlevine at seasontickets.com <mailto:dlevine at seasontickets.com> 
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