[Nagiosplug-help] Memory usage on an AIX Server

Christian Vanguers wangee at linuxbe.org
Thu Nov 28 15:04:01 CET 2002

On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 at 11:28:06AM -0800, Tyson Harker wrote:
> What plugin can I use to check memory usage on an AIX machine?

Hi Tyson,

It's a long time i need such a script :-)
That's why i made some minor changes to the check_mem.pl 
script that you can find in nagiosplug contribs. 

I'll give my changes to nagiosplug project, but you will find it in
file-attachment so that you will have it immediately.

I fixed some minor bugs in Linux version, and added AIX support.

Note if you want to use it under AIX :
you *MUST* give execute rights to nagiosuser for the '/usr/sbin/bootinfo'
binary (needed to get total memory under AIX)

You can do it 2 different ways, choose your prefered one. Personally
and for security reasons, i prefer the second one.

1) you can chmod '/usr/sbin/bootinfo' to 555 
2) you can add nagiosuser to 'bin' group in '/etc/group' file

I hope it will help you and you will use it :-)

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 |    / __ \____ / ___/__  _| |/ /  |   Christian Vanguers                    |
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