[Nagiosplug-help] Windows 2000 SNMP Disk Usage Monitoring

Jeff Rendl jeff.rendl at ifsna.com
Mon Nov 11 08:54:12 CET 2002

Ok, anyone monitoring Windows 2000 Disk Usage with check_snmp?  I
successfully get the size of the disk (as a number of 4096K clusters), and
have the appropriate thresholds set.  That all works fine.
The problem is that the size of the utilization that 2K returns doesn't
change unless you restart the 2K server.  WTF?  What's the point of knowing
the size of the disk only at startup?  I most likely already know that if I
watched it boot. Grr.
So, any workarounds or way to increase the polling 2K does?  I would prefer
to check this via SNMP rather than some app running on the server.
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