[Nagiosplug-help] Plugin not woeking ......

Atul Shrivastava atulsh at hclinsys.com
Thu Dec 26 05:11:06 CET 2002

Hello All,
My problem is that I want to monitor a network which consists of WinNT, 2K, Linux, Switches and routers. Can anyone tell me a way in which I can monitor all these things convenently and quickly. Basically I want to monitor these using SNMP only. Is there a way out.
Further, I configured the NRPE Plugin in Linux machine but the plugin is not working correctly and the Nagios is unable to communicate to them.
For the WinNT, When I install NSClient in my WinNT machine, then the installation is  complete and it is running in the Service but it is not making any effect on the Nagios Console.

Can anyone tell me the problem and why this is happening so. Also tell me what all is required on the management server (Nagios) side.
Thanks in advance.
 Regards and have a nice day,
                            Atul Shrivastava
                            Info Structure Services
                            HCL INFOSYSTEMS LTD.
                            E - 4,5,6 Sector XI,
                            Noida - 201301
                            Tel: 91-120-2526910,2443013

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