[Nagiosplug-help] check_http

Matthew.Quinney at hollandandholland.com Matthew.Quinney at hollandandholland.com
Mon Dec 16 06:50:05 CET 2002

Hello all,

I am having a problem with check_http and Nagios 1.0. The error I am 
getting is...

[me at servername etc]# /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_http servename
HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

But the web server is up - and the plugin retrieves the page from the 
server because if I run it in verbose mode I can see the contents of the 
apache test page.

I am running httpd v 2.040-8

Has anybody else come accross this ?



Matthew Quinney

Network Manager
Holland & Holland Ltd
31-33 Bruton ST

Tel - 0207 4994411
email - matthew.quinney at hollandandholland.com
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