[Nagiosplug-devel] [nagios-plugins] check_ntp_peers peer count check is inversed (#1204)

Brady Catherman notifications at github.com
Thu Oct 17 22:05:36 CEST 2013

It seems that the peer check in check_ntp_peers is backwards from what is useful in a production environment.

I have a server with 5 peers, and running the check with the following arguments yields the following results:

<tr><td>-n 4</td><td>NTP CRITICAL</d></tr>
<tr><td>-n 5</td><td>NTP OK</d></tr>
<tr><td>-n 6</td><td>NTP OK</d></tr>

That seems backwards from what I would expect. Ideally the logic should be reversed. I don't care if I have "more than" 5 peers. I care if I have less. Looking at the source seems to confirm that the peer count metrics are all handled exactly the same as the jitter and offset, both of which logically work with a greater than concept.

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