[Nagiosplug-devel] NRPE Authentication/Authorization?? DEVS PLEASE READ

Florian Gleixner flo at bier.homeip.net
Tue Jan 8 09:16:16 CET 2008

Hari Sekhon schrieb:
> So...
> Is there any chance we can have authentication added to NRPE like we do 
> with NSCA where you must have at the very least a shared secret?

I vote for this too. check_by_ssh can be an alternative sometimes, but 
sometimes it is not desireable to have the nagios server full ssh access 
to the monitored machine.

> Going one step further, is it possible to have separate credentials 
> limited to separate calls? This would be most helpful for event 
> handlers... or for different monitoring servers or user accounts.

Here one could live with a workaround: setup different nrpe services on 
different tcp ports and you can use different configs and access 
controls for each nrpe service.


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