[Nagiosplug-devel] Hooray - 1.4 is out! What next?

Ton Voon tonvoon at mac.com
Thu Feb 3 18:12:20 CET 2005

Well, we've finally got to 1.4. Thanks to everyone who has helped get 
this release out and helped make this software better.

What's next? Firstly, I'm not going to branch the code just yet. During 
the 1.3 and 1.4 period, it was a pain to try and write to two branches, 
so I suggest we leave one branch going for a month which will take us 
to 1.4.1. This will be mainly bug fixes, but I think it is okay to 
commit patches that are a bit more complex, and even add small extra 

However, major work should not commence until the branching. I'll leave 
it to you to decide what "major" work is :)

If you have contributions to add, make sure it is in SourceForge, 
otherwise it may slip off the minds of the developers!

Another lesson I've learnt is that we should do more releases more 
often. Having a huge release just causes too many problems with alphas 
and betas. I provisionally say we do a 1.5 release around September, 
but that really depends if we have any major functionality added. I'll 
take a "want list" from all of you after 1.4.1 is released.

If anyone disagrees, let me know - I'm always ready to be persuaded.


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