[Nagiosplug-devel] check_maxchannels for perl framework

Stanley Hopcroft Stanley.Hopcroft at IPAustralia.Gov.AU
Tue Mar 30 15:22:04 CEST 2004

Dear Sir,

I am writing to thank you for your 'small patches' and compliment you on 
your prolificity.

Well done !

Please would you consider a group posting of

. your rationale (small dot points for me please) for this approach

  - eg facilitate plugin integration in GUI config manager ?

. the performance impact of the new framework (/usr/bin/time repeatd a 
few times [vi] of the original plugin and that in the framework)

. how it performs under ePN - can't imagine it's a problem and I will 
  probably try this.

I like the 'opt in' approach to option checking; that alone should make 
a plugin authors lot a much easier one.

Yours sincerely.

Stanley Hopcroft

'...No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the
continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a
manor of thy friend's or of thine own were. Any man's death diminishes
me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know
for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee...'

from Meditation 17, J Donne.
-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict ;

#	dotime
#	L Wall, "Programming Perl 1st ed" p 331
#	usage dotime repeat command

# 	updated for P 5 by S Hopcroft

die "Usage: dotime <repeat> <command>\n" if @ARGV < 2 ;

my $repeat = shift(@ARGV) ;
die "Invalid repeat: $repeat, stopped" 
  unless (($repeat > 0) && ($repeat < 999)) ;

use vars qw($arg) ;

my $times = ($repeat == 1 ? "once" : "$repeat times") ;
print qq/Running @ARGV $times\n/ ;
$| = 1 ;

my %run_time = (  real => { total => 0, list => [] },
	          user => { total => 0, list => [] },
	          sys  => { total => 0, list => [] }
	       ) ;

for my $pass (1 .. $repeat) {
  print "$pass " ;
  open (TIMES, "/usr/bin/time @ARGV 2>&1 |") 
    || die "Can't run /usr/bin/time @ARGV 2>&1, stopped" ;
  while (<TIMES>) {
    my %t ;
    if ( @t{ qw(real user sys) } = /^\s*(\S+) real\s*(\S+) user\s*(\S+) sys/ ) {
      foreach my $time ( keys %run_time ) {
        $run_time{$time}{total} +=        $t{$time} ;
        push @{ $run_time{$time}{list} }, $t{$time} ;
  close (TIMES) ;

print "done\n" ;

my $fields_per_line = 15 ;
my ($fields, $values, $avg, $form) ;

$form = "format STDOUT =\n" ;

if ( $repeat <= $fields_per_line) {

  $fields = '@<<<<@>>>>>>' . '@>>>>>>>>' x $repeat ;
  $values = '$arg,$avg   ' . ',shift @_' x $repeat ;
  $form .=<<EOF ;

} else {

  # XXXX
  # The values must follow the picture lines.
  # So they must be wrapped also (otherwise a SEGV from the write statement).
  # XXXX

  my $data_fields = $fields_per_line - 2 ;
  #  Only $fields_per_line - 2 datum are displayed on each line of output

  my $spaces = ' ' x 12 ;

  # the multiple of ' ' is the number of chars used by the $arg and $avg fields in the first line 
  # PLUS the number 2 (for the '@' field markers) so that the fields line up for debugging.

  my $fields = '@<<<<@>>>>>>' . '@>>>>>>>>' x $data_fields ;
  my $values = '$arg,$avg  ' . ',shift @_'  x $data_fields ;

  $form .=<<EOF ;

  my $line_pics = $spaces . '@>>>>>>>>' x $data_fields ;
  my $line_vals = $spaces . ',shift @_' x $data_fields ;

  my $lines_remaining = int( ($repeat - $data_fields)/$data_fields )  ;

  $form .=<<EOF x $lines_remaining ;

  my $fields_remaining = ($repeat - $data_fields) % $data_fields ;
  $fields = ( $fields_remaining ? $spaces . '@>>>>>>>>' x $fields_remaining : "\n" ) ;
  $values = ( $fields_remaining ? $spaces . ',shift @_' x $fields_remaining : "\n" ) ;

  $form .=<<EOF ;



$arg = ' ' ;

# $arg __cannot__ be a lexical or its value is not displayed.

eval $form ;

sub write {
  $avg = shift ;
  write ;

&write('Avg', 1 .. $repeat) ;

&write(split(' ', ' ------' x ($repeat + 1))) ;

foreach $arg ( qw(real user sys) ) {
  &write( sprintf("%6.3f", $run_time{$arg}{total}/$repeat),
          @{ $run_time{$arg}{list} }
        ) ;

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