[Nagiosplug-devel] patch: contrib/check_mem.pl using incorrectcommand

Nick Burch nick at torchbox.com
Wed Aug 18 10:02:05 CEST 2004

On Wed, 18 Aug 2004, C. Bensend wrote:
> > Almost certainly. Anyone got any other platforms to hand who could let
> > me know the format (if any) of their "free" and "vmstat" commands?
> OpenBSD 3.5-STABLE vmstat:

Based on that, I looked for other machines. A few hours of fiddling with 
the Sourceforge compile farm and the HP Testdrive later, I think the 
script should now be there.

For linux, cygwin and solaris/sunos, it will report the free/used physical 
memory. With the -s switch, it will report swap useage

For FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, HP-UX and some dec thing, it reports overall 
(physical + swap combined) useage, and will barf if asked about swap.

I can also confirm that all the system's I've seen report meaningful 
numbers in columns 4 and 5 of vmstat. It's just a pity they can't agree on 
what the hell they actually are, or mean....

Do people want to try the attached version?

-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: check_mem.pl,v 2002/02/28 06:42:54 egalstad Exp $

# check_mem.pl Copyright (C) 2000 Dan Larsson <dl at tyfon.net>, 
#                            2004 Nick Burch <nick at torchbox.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# you should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program (or with Nagios);  if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA

# Tell Perl what we need to use
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use Config;

use vars qw($opt_c $opt_f $opt_u $opt_w $opt_s
	    $free_memory $used_memory $total_memory
	    $crit_level $warn_level $os
            %exit_codes @memlist
            $percent $fmt_pct 
            $verb_err $command_line);

# Predefined exit codes for Nagios
%exit_codes   = ('UNKNOWN' ,-1,
		 'OK'      , 0,
                 'WARNING' , 1,
                 'CRITICAL', 2,);

# Turn this to 1 to see reason for parameter errors (if any)
$verb_err     = 0;

# What OS are we running on?
$os = $Config{'osname'};

# Get the options
if ($#ARGV le 0)

# Shortcircuit the switches
if (!$opt_w or $opt_w == 0 or !$opt_c or $opt_c == 0)
  print "*** You must define WARN and CRITICAL levels!" if ($verb_err);
elsif (!$opt_f and !$opt_u)
  print "*** You must select to monitor either USED or FREE memory!" if ($verb_err);

# Check if levels are sane
if ($opt_w <= $opt_c and $opt_f)
  print "*** WARN level must not be less than CRITICAL when checking FREE memory!" if ($verb_err);
elsif ($opt_w >= $opt_c and $opt_u)
  print "*** WARN level must not be greater than CRITICAL when checking USED memory!" if ($verb_err);
# Check if we can report on swap for this platform
if($opt_s && !($os eq "linux" || $os eq "cygwin" || $os eq "solaris")) {
  # Can't get swap info from vmstat, only from free
  print "Checking swap useage not possible on your platform\n";
  exit $exit_codes{'UNKNOWN'}; 

$warn_level   = $opt_w;
$crit_level   = $opt_c;

# What to report when displaying the output
# Which line of "free" contains our data of interest
my $what_rep = "Memory";
if($opt_s) { 
	$what_rep = "Swap";

# Now go and get the details of the free and used memory
# As different Unix (and unix-esque) flavours report things differently,
#  we need to use one of a few commands to check
if($os eq "freebsd" || $os eq "netbsd" || $os eq "openbsd" || $os eq "dec_os" || $os eq "hpux") {
	# Ask vmstat. 4th param is used memory, 5th is free
	$command_line = `vmstat | tail -1 | awk '{print \$4,\$5}'`;
} elsif($os eq "linux" || $os eq "cygwin") {
	# Use the command "free" to get the required data
	my $mem_line = 3;
	if($opt_s) { $mem_line = 4; }
	$command_line = `free | head -$mem_line | tail -1 | awk '{print \$3,\$4}'`;
} elsif($os eq "solaris") {
	if($opt_s) {
		# Go ask "swap -s"
		$command_line = `swap -s | awk '{print \$9,\$11}' | sed s/k//g`;
	} else {
		# Ask both vmstat col 5 and prtconf line 2
		my $free_cmd = `vmstat | tail -1 | awk '{print \$5}'`;
		my $tot_cmd = `prtconf -p | head -2 | tail -1 | awk '{print \$3}'`;
		chomp $free_cmd;
		chomp $tot_cmd;
		$command_line = (($tot_cmd*1024)-$free_cmd)." ".$free_cmd."\n";
} else {
	print "I'm sorry, I don't know how to check memory on your system.\nPlease send the output of the following commands to\nnagiosplug-devel\@lists.sourceforge.net with a subject\n'check_mem.pl information for new platform' :\n\nfree\nvmstat\nman vmstat\n";
  exit $exit_codes{'UNKNOWN'}; 

chomp $command_line;
@memlist      = split(/ /, $command_line);

# Define the calculating scalars
$used_memory  = $memlist[0];
$free_memory  = $memlist[1];
$total_memory = $used_memory + $free_memory;

# Now do our reporting bits
if ($opt_f)
  $percent    = $free_memory / $total_memory * 100;
  $fmt_pct    = sprintf "%.1f", $percent;
  if ($percent <= $crit_level)
    print "$what_rep CRITICAL - $fmt_pct% ($free_memory kB) free, $total_memory kB total\n";
    exit $exit_codes{'CRITICAL'};
  elsif ($percent <= $warn_level)
    print "$what_rep WARNING - $fmt_pct% ($free_memory kB) free, $total_memory kB total\n";
    exit $exit_codes{'WARNING'};
    print "$what_rep OK - $fmt_pct% ($free_memory kB) free, $total_memory kB total\n";
    exit $exit_codes{'OK'};
elsif ($opt_u)
  $percent    = $used_memory / $total_memory * 100;
  $fmt_pct    = sprintf "%.1f", $percent;
  if ($percent >= $crit_level)
    print "$what_rep CRITICAL - $fmt_pct% ($used_memory kB) used, $total_memory kB total\n";
    exit $exit_codes{'CRITICAL'};
  elsif ($percent >= $warn_level)
    print "$what_rep WARNING - $fmt_pct% ($used_memory kB) used, $total_memory kB total\n";
    exit $exit_codes{'WARNING'};
    print "$what_rep OK - $fmt_pct% ($used_memory kB) used, $total_memory kB total\n";
    exit $exit_codes{'OK'};

# Show usage
sub usage()
  print "\ncheck_mem.pl v1.0 - Nagios Plugin\n\n";
  print "usage:\n";
  print " check_mem.pl -<f|u> -w <warnlevel> -c <critlevel>\n\n";
  print "options:\n";
  print " -f           Check FREE memory\n";
  print " -u           Check USED memory\n";
  print " -s           Check swap instead of regular memory. Only on some systems\n";
  print " -w PERCENT   Percent free/used when to warn\n";
  print " -c PERCENT   Percent free/used when critical\n";
  print "\nCopyright 2000 Dan Larsson <dl\@tyfon.net>, 2004 Nick Burch <nick\@torchbox.com>\n";
  print "check_mem.pl comes with absolutely NO WARRANTY either implied or explicit\n";
  print "This program is licensed under the terms of the\n";
  print "GNU General Public License (check source code for details)\n";
  exit $exit_codes{'UNKNOWN'}; 

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