[Nagiosplug-devel] Daily snapshots on sourceforge revisited

Ton Voon tonvoon at mac.com
Tue Mar 4 15:49:18 CET 2003

I raised a call with SF support re: daily builds and they say the file 
release system is only for official versions. Daily builds should be 
placed in the project's web area.

I've written a little script which I've placed under tools called 
sfsnapshot. It rips off snapshot, but with little extra bits added for 
ssh'ing onto SF's compile farm to create the snapshot and scp'ing the 
distribution onto the web area. The script only creates the source code 
tgz file.

It has to be run from the compile farm's shell server because this 
looks like the only server that has connectivity to the web shell 
server and a compile farm server.

There are prereqs which are documented in the script. I've setup a cron 
job at 10am and 10pm GMT everyday to create a new snapshot. It will be 
available at http://nagiosplug.sourceforge.net/snapshot.

Alternatively, Karl could automate updating his snapshots to go to 
shell.sf.net instead of his server. The nice thing about the sfsnapshot 
method is that all the processing happens on Sourceforge.

Any thoughts?


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